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Why you should Schedule a Winter HVAC Maintenance Service

We’ve partnered with Ashley Morse of The Cooling Company to bring you this article on why homeowners should schedule a Winter HVAC maintenance service and how you can help provide better service to your clients, while also serving more of them.

Finding out what’s wrong with a homeowner’s AC system can take hours, especially if you’re not sure what to look for. However, there are a handful of common AC unit problems, and each of them has a few easy ways to fix them. Some are easier than than others, but once you know what to look for, you can understand and serve your clients.

Common AC Problems and How to Troubleshoot Them

Take some time to learn about these 7 common problems and you could save yourself plenty of time and trouble during your next call.

1. The Energy Bill Is High

A high energy bill could mean the AC unit needs to be cleaned or better insulated:

  • Dirty filters: These can cause the AC to work too hard, but switching them out for new ones can fix the problem.
  • Old AC has poor energy efficiency: Cleaning off dust from coils or clearing blockages could help an old AC run better.
  • Poor insulation in home: More, newer insulation in drafty areas of your house and around the AC can better maintain your indoor temperatures.

2. Home Is Too Cold All the Time

If your home is too cold but the AC seems to move air adequately, there might be a problem with the thermostat:

  • Thermostat placement is in the sunlight: Sunlight can warm a thermostat, which can preventing the AC from turning on until other rooms are several degrees cooler.
  • Thermostat may be malfunctioning: A thermostat may need to be replaced it it still has problems after outside factors, such as temperature and placement, have been fixed.

3. Fluctuating Temperature

Fluctuating temperatures can indicate a more serious problem than a blockage.

  • Refrigerant leak: The AC could blow refrigerant fluid mixed with air around the home. Any leakages will need to be sealed before being refilled to the correct levels.

4. AC Won’t Kick On

If the AC fails to turn on, it may have power supply issues, such as:

  • Breaker or fuse issue: An AC may overheat if one of these fail, but replacing it could solve the problem.
  • Blown capacitor: With a blown capacitor, the AC may not turn on or work at full capacity.
  • Replacing the starter capacitor can fix the former problem, while replacing the run capacitor can fix the latter.
  • Failed compressor: Too much or too little refrigerant could cause a compressor to fail. CHeck the levels to rule this out as a problem.

5. AC Is Blowing Hot Air Instead of Cold

An AC that blows hot air can be especially aggravating, especially during the hot summer months. Some common causes of it include:

  • Electrical problems: The circuit breaker for the outside unit might be off, or it may be broken. This may simply need to be switched on or replaced.
  • Clogged outside unit: Dust, branches, and leaves may have gotten inside of the outside unit, blocking the flow of cool air. Oftentimes, these can simply be removed.
  • Thermostat has wrong settings: It may be set to “Heat” instead of “Cool,” or the fan may be on. Turning it to the right setting will be enough to fix it.

6. Hot Upstairs But Cold Downstairs

When an AC unit fails to properly heat multiple stories, it may be due to a structural problem, or the AC may need to be upgraded:

  • Blockage: Soffit vents can get clogged by dust or debris, especially if they lack adequate insulation.
  • Leaks: Cracked or aging ducts can leak, and need to be patched or replaced.
  • The home has one thermostat: this makes it less likely that all rooms will be controlled at the same temperature. An HVAC zoning system with multiple thermostats could help to regulate temperatures better.

7. Airflow Seems Weak

Weak airflow can be due to a physical obstruction, but it may also arise from problems with critical parts of the AC:

  • Dust in vents of filters: Simply replacing filters or cleaning vents could remove any obstructions to airflow.
  • Problems with blower: Excessive dust on the blades can make it perform poorly. If cleaning it doesn’t fix the problem, the blower might need to be replaced.
  • Evaporator coils: Dirty evaporator coils can easily freeze, especially if there are blockages. Turning on the fan or replacing a filter can help thaw them. If it is due to a refrigerant leak, any leaks will need to be fixed to remedy the problem.

Finding simple fixes for common problems can help you provide better service to your clients, while also serving more of them.

You can help them save time and money while also educating them about the best ways to care for their AC. You’ll be able to build trust with them, making it more likely you’ll be the first one they call during a future emergency.

Ashley Morse is with The Cooling Company which has provided the absolute best comfort in heating and air conditioning for Southern Nevada homes since 2011.