You’ve put in the hours at HVAC school, you’ve spent weeks practicing your trade and months training on the job. Now comes the real test… Your first solo service call. We know the task can seem daunting but fear not, because with these 5 essential pointers for new HVAC contractors, you’ll have the whole solo thing down before you know it. Brought to you by US Air Conditioning Distributors.
When walking into a service call, chances are high you’re dealing with a disgruntled homeowner who is upset because their system is down (beware, especially in the summer months). Greeting the customer with confidence is crucial in making the right first impression. Building a professional rapport with him or her will go a long way in making the time you spend servicing their home a lot more pleasant.
We get it, as a technician you’re in the hot sun (or freezing cold) all day and yet here Mr. Whiny Homeowner is, complaining how uncomfortable he is because his system is down. Having empathy and understanding for their situation will help you in the long run when you get a reputation for being respectful and helpful during your service calls. Always act with honesty and integrity, carefully weigh the options and present them clearly to the customer. Encourage them to make the decision that will benefit them most in the long run and not the one that will benefit your pocketbook in the now.
Don’t get us wrong, asking questions is an essential step in diagnosing the issue, but where new technicians get into trouble is asking too many questions. Collect enough information from the customer to get a starting point and a game plan, but don’t overwhelm yourself with unnecessary data that will only lead you down the wrong path.
Asking for help from a senior technician is not a weakness but an opportunity for knowledge and growth. Time and money is valuable to you, your company and your customer, so sometimes the right decision means reaching out for a helping hand. When you’re first starting out, you might feel tempted to do everything on your own to show your company you are self-sufficient. This mindset leads to mistakes, which leads to additional repairs, meaning more time spent and less money for you and your employer. Doing it right the first time with a little help actually saves time and money.
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