
Steril-Aire UVC sets the standard for UVC for HVAC.
Numerous studies have shown that the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system is an amplifier, reservoir and transportation mode for mold and bacteria throughout a building. These biologicals have also been linked to hospital acquired infections as well as Sick Building Syndrome and allergy and asthma triggers.
Steril-Aire UVC solutions are independently verified to outperform our competition in the demanding environment of an HVAC system. Steril-Aire UVC Emitters deliver the highest output in the industry—9 microwatts per linear inch of glass measured from a distance of 1 meter—independently tested at an air velocity of 400 feet per minute at 50º F. Steril-Aire HVAC coil and air solutions deliver up to six times the output of other UVC devices, have up to double the product lifecycle, and consume less energy.